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Fostering a Pet
What is a pet foster home?
This kind of foster home provides a safe and loving environment for kittens, puppies, dogs, cats, rabbits, or other animals until they are adopted. In addition to affection and guidance the foster home provides basic care for the animals such as food, water and shelter.
Why are pet foster homes needed?
New Hope Animal Rescue can only rescue as many animals for whom it has housing and volunteers for. Many shelters euthanize dozens of healthy and friendly animals each day to make space for the new ones coming in due to limited holding space. Local animal rescue groups have to turn away dozens of adoptable animals each week because they lack foster homes. Not only do foster homes help increase the number of animals rescued, they also help care for animals that would be difficult to tend to in a shelter or kennel environment:
puppies and kittens with immune systems not yet strong enough to fight germs
orphaned or feral kittens
animals recovering from major surgery
dogs needing one-on-one behavior rehabilitation or a break from the stress of crowded shelters
A pet foster simply provides a loving and safe environment for the pet until it is adopted. The more foster homes we have the more animals we can save. If you’re interested in becoming a pet foster family/foster parent, you’ll provide a temporary home for a newly rescued animal until New Hope Animal Rescue finds the animal a permanent home. This could be from a few weeks to a few months. We provide the vet care and food while you provide the tender loving care.
Fostering is the first step in giving an animal a second chance.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us through our form below.